We grow lots of plump juicy radishes on the farm, especially in the spring.

Our flock of sheep grazing the spring grasses.

Our youngest helper on the farm assisting with potato mulching.

Turkeys posing for the camera. They are naturally curious and engaging creatures.

Cucumbers are one of our favorite crops to grow and eat. We trellis them in our high tunnels to maximize production and extend the season in the early spring and late fall.

Me and my mom at the farmers market.

We have lots of pollinator friendly perennial flowers planted around the farm. Not only are they good for the birds and insects, it is a pleasure to walk by and admire them while we work.

Giant snow peas are a spring favorite and very popular for a quick snack while working.

Our oldest helper bringing in the pumpkins with a smile.

Baby broilers in the brooder. We provide them with grass, dirt and plants in this protected warm space until they are mature enough to move out into tractors on pasture.

The kids taking advantage of a sunny spring day to picnic while I work.