Farm Update 7/19/24

JUST KEEP GOING…has been my mantra this past week. Today I was reflecting on what drives me to push through the days when there is more to do than I have time for. For the majority of my 20’s I lived at the base of the Eastern Sierra Mountains and spent as much time as I could afford hiking the canyons and climbing the surrounding peaks. My favorite way to spend a day off was to hike a strenuous loop, often 20 plus miles of walking and climbing. Most days I was bone tired, sore and famished with many hours of hiking still ahead of me. Learning to push through the pain and fatigue on those long days has stuck with me and works in my favor when I have long days of work on the farm.

My mom took this picture at the end of a long day! I’m lucky to have her here to help out for a few weeks.

Scroll on for more…

We had our second chicken harvest of the season last Sunday and I am looking forward to bringing a full selection of whole and parted out chickens to market tomorrow. Turkeys arrived on the farm Thursday morning and are settling into the brooder for a spell. My mom and I spent some time seeding trays of vegetables to prepare for the great fall plant out so that we will have food to eat and share for the winter months. Preparing for winter in the height of summer seems a little strange at first but it is the perfect time to get seedlings off to a strong start.

Carrots are going strong and I will be bringing lots to market tomorrow!

Tomatoes are starting to pop and are ever so tasty!

I’ll be on the Arcata Plaza tomorrow from 9-2. Here is what I will have available:


Whole: $8/lb

Bone In Breast $14//lb

Boneless Skinless Breast $16/LB

leg & thigh $10/lb

wings $7/lb

soup pack $5/lb

feet $6/lb

liver $8/lb

Eggs $10 per dozen


Carrot bunches $4 each

Loose Carrots $3/lb

Easter Egg Radish Bunches $3 each

Tomatoes $4/lb

Cucumbers $3/lb

Garlic $10/lb

Golden Berries $5 per bag

As always thanks for reading this and please respond to this message if you would like to reserve anything.



One of my golden berry harvest helpers.

Kala Eichamer